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홍길동님 격리면제서

“주벤쿠버(총)” vancovidnoreply@mofa.go.kr

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해외에서 입국하는 내·외국인 격리면제서 소지자는 총 3회 진단검사를 받아야 합니다.
[입국전] 장례식 참석 목적으로 격리면제서를 발급받으신 내국인(한국여권 보유자)을 제외한 모든 해외 입국자(내국인, 외국인 불문)는 입국시 출발일 기준 72시간 이내 발급된 PCR 음성확인서를 제출하셔야 합니다.
※미제출시 격리면제 효력정지 및 내국인은 임시생활시설에서 진단검사후 7일간 시설격리(비용 본인부담) + 7일간 자가격리, 외국인은 입국불허됩니다.
[입국직후] 주소지 관할 보건소에서 진단검사 후 귀가해 자택 등에서 대기해야 합니다.
※장례식 참석 목적으로 격리면제서를 발급받은 경우 희망자에 한해 공항 입국장에서 검사 가능
[입국 6~7일 내] 주소지 소재 보건소 또는 보건소에서 운영하는 (임시)선별진료소에서 진단검사를 다시 받아야 합니다.
밴쿠버총영사관 드림

We have sent you a digital copy of Quarantine Exemption Certificate.
Print 4 copies of the Quarantine Exemption Certificate PDF file (the barcode at the bottom MUST BE VISIBLE) and bring them with you when entering Korea.(Submit one copy each to the Incheon Airport quarantine, immigration, and public healthcare centre near your address. Keep one copy for yourself till you depart Korea.)
  ※ Any other form(e.g. USB, PDF file on a computer, etc.) rather than the hard copy of your Quarantine Exemption Certificate will not be accepted.
Please be noted that Affiliation, Contact no. of inviting company and person in charge, Date of departure and flight no., Expected date of arrival in Korea, Quarantine exemption period, Expected date of departure from Korea, Place of event are meant to be left blank.
※ You do not need to fill in “Itinerary for Quarantine Exemption Period”

Your Quarantine Exemption is only valid for entry within one month from the issuance date.
If you have stayed in, departed from, or had a layover in any country currently or newly designated as those hit by Beta, Gamma, or Delta COVID-19 variants within 14 days before entering into Korea, your Quarantine Exemption Certificate becomes invalid.
The Quarantine Exemption is not a visa. Therefore, Canadian citizens who do not have an effective entry visa cannot enter Korea.
All Korean nationals and foreigners entering Korea with an effective Quarantine Exemption must undergo a total of three COVID tests.
[Before Immigration] Except for Korean nationals who received the Quarantine Exemption for the purpose of attending a funeral, all overseas arrivals(regardless of nationality) must submit a certificate of a negative PCR-test issued within 72 hours from the departure date upon arrival.
※ In the case of non-submission, the Quarantine Exemption will be suspended. Korean nationals will need to quarantine for 7days at a temporary living facility(self-paid) + 7 days self isolation. Foreigners will be denied entry into Korea.
[Immediately after entering Korea] After a diagnostic test at a public healthcare centre near your address, you must go to your place of residence and wait until you receive the result.
※ For the case of quarantine exemption for attending a funeral, those who wish may take the test at the airport COVID-19 Testing Center.
[Within 6-7days of entry] You must take a diagnostic test again at the public healthcare centre or a (temporary) screening clinic operated by the healthcare centre of the address that is written on your Quarantine Exemption.
Thank you.
Korean Consulate in Vancouver


한국에 귀국시 아래내용도 참고하여 처리하세요.

해외 예방접종완료자 한국에서 예방접종확인서 발급 받기 : 쿠브(COOV)앱으로 코로나19 전자예방접종증명서를 확인하세요.


[코로나 백신] 해외 예방접종완료자 한국에서 예방접종확인서 발급 받기 : 쿠브(COOV)앱으로 코로

해외에서 예방접종한 사람들은 한국에서 사적모임 제한 예외 조치 등의 혜택을 받을 수 없었습니다. 그러나 10월 7일 부터 해외에서 코로나19 백신을 접종한 뒤 격리면제서를 보유하고 입국한 사



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