
[AjaxLoader.js]ajax호출 시작 및 종료시 로딩이미지 호출하기

AjaxLoader.js를 테스트해 볼 수 있다.
AjaxLoader.js documentation


AjaxLoader.js documentation

Javascript library for displaying animated waiting indicator without images using symbols such as “|”, “_”, etc. Features: Animation speed can be customized Symbols and their count can be customized Can restore previous state on animation stop Source code


ajax호출 후 로딩 이미지로 사용할 수 있는 gif파일을 생성해주는 사이트이다. 상당히 유용하다.
Ajaxload – Ajax loading gif generator


Ajaxload – Ajax loading gif generator

Ajaxload (Beta) <- Hey ! This service is Web 2.0 Preview Create easily your own ajax loader icon : Select the type of indicator you want Enter the background code color you want (tick “Transparent background” if you don’t want one Enter the foreground code – Your SVG + GIF + PNG Ajax Loading Icons

Build Your Ajax Loading Icons with SVG / CSS / GIF / PNG !


function ajaxLoader(el, options, position) {
    // Becomes this.options
    var defaults = {
        bgColor: '#fff',
        duration: 10,
        opacity: 0.7,
        classOveride: false
    this.options = jQuery.extend(defaults, options);
    this.container = $(el);

    this.init = function () {
        var container = this.container;
        // Delete any other loaders
        // Create the overlay 
        var overlay = $('< div>< /div>').css({
            'background-color': this.options.bgColor,
            'opacity': this.options.opacity,
            'width': container.width(),
            'height': container.height(),
            'position': position == null ? 'absolute' : position,
            'top': '0px',
            'left': '0px',
            'z-index': 99999
        // add an overiding class name to set new loader style 
        if (this.options.classOveride) {
        // insert overlay and loader into DOM 
                   $ ('< div>< /div >').addClass('ajax_loader')

    this.remove = function () {
        var overlay = this.container.children(".ajax_overlay");
        if (overlay.length) {
            overlay.fadeOut(this.options.classOveride, function () {


function loaderRemove(loader) {
    if (loader) loader.remove();

    $(document).ready(function () {        
        try {       
            var loader;

            $(document).ajaxStart(function () {
                loader = new ajaxLoader($('body'), { opacity: 0.7 }, 'fixed');

            $(document).ajaxStop(function () {                

        catch (e) {


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