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오늘 아스트라제네카(AstraZeneca) 백신을 맞았습니다.

어제 저녁 우체국에 갈일이 있어서 캐나다 포스트에 방문했다가

그 옆에 SHOPPERS DRUG MART에 붙은 코로나(COVID-19) 백신 예방 접종 포스트를 발견했습니다.

여성 약사분이 있었고 명찰 아래에 “한국어 가능” 벳지가 보였습니다.

영어로 안물어봐도 되겠구나 하는 안도감이 왔습니다.

나보다 와이프가 먼저 이것 저것 물어보기 시작했고,

오늘 아침 10시 50분에 예방 접종 예약을 잡았습니다.

어제 하루만 500명이 코로나 백신 접종을 하고 갔다고 하네요.

캐나다 BC주 전체 SHOOPERS를 생각하면

하루에 얼마나 많은 사람들이 백신 접종을 하고 있을까? 하는 궁금증이…..

캐나다는 미국과 가까와서 백신을 구하기 쉬운 것일까요?

40세 이상은 예약만 하면 아스트라제네카 백신을 맞을 수 있습니다.


와이프는 지난주에 화이자 백신을 맞았습니다. 

저는 오늘 아스트라제네카 백신 예방 접종을 합니다.

아침 10시50분 예약이지만 10분 전 까지는 도착하라는 안내를 어제 받았습니다.

백신 예약 관련 해서 shoppers에서 문자가 왔습니다.

하나는 백신을 요청했고, 다른 하나는 백신을 받았다.

오늘 예정대로 백신 접종을 할 수 있게 되었습니다.



백신 예방접종을 위해 10분전에 도착했습니다.


예약 확인 및 몇 가지 백신관련 서류를 받았습니다.



설문지를 작성 후 백신예방 접종을 하였습니다. 

15분간 대기 후 집으로 돌아왔습니다.

백신을 맞고 나니 홀가분한 느낌이 드네요.

이제 4개월 뒤 2차 접종을 예약 후 접종해야합니다.

백신 맞았다는 확인증(?) 같은 문서를 하나 받았습니다.

백신 맞은지 2시간이 지났습니다.

와이프는 화이자 백신 맞고 맞은 팔이 몇 일 간 아프다고 했는데...

아스트라제네카 백신은 그런 증상이 없네요.


오늘 코로나 백신을 맞았다를 영어로 하면?

I was vaccinated against Covid-19 today.

I inoculated with a vaccine today.

I got a vaccine.

뭐가 맞을까요?ㅎㅎ 




두번째 문자에서 인터넷 주소(백신 케어 팁 링크)를 클릭하면


코로나-19 백신관련 질문과 답변이 있습니다. 

Questions about the COVID-19 vaccine?

  • +Do I need to wear a mask to my appointment? Yes, both you and the pharmacist will need to wear a mask at all times since social distancing is not possible during the vaccination.
  • +Will an immunization record be provided? Yes, you will receive an immunization record at the pharmacy after each appointment. Please keep the record safe when you receive it after the first appointment, and bring it with you when you come back to the pharmacy for your second appointment.
  • +What should I expect from and be prepared for at my COVID-19 Vaccination appointment? Arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment to allow sufficient time to fill out pre-vaccination and consent forms. The Pharmacy will have signs indicating where you can check-in for your appointment. Bring your provincial health card, if you have one. Wear a mask at all times. Wear suitable clothing so that your upper arm is easily accessible for the injection. Budget your time to include a 15-minute wait at the pharmacy after your injection. This is to make sure that you do not have a reaction to the vaccine. Side effects of getting the COVID-19 vaccine are relatively mild and similar to what you might experience with other vaccines. However, as with all vaccines, your pharmacy team will be monitoring you if you do experience a serious side effect.
  • +What do I need to know post-vaccination? Please visit the links below for details. AstraZeneca , Moderna , Pfizer
  • +Should I get the COVID-19 Vaccine? Health Canada is recommending vaccination for everyone in the approved age groups that do not have contraindications to the vaccine. For people who have previously had COVID-19, vaccination is still recommended since we don’t know how long immunity lasts, and you could get infected again and become sick. https://www1.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/health-and-pharmacy/health/should-i-get-the-covid-19-vaccine/900310
  • +Are COVID-19 vaccines available? The Government of Canada is securing vaccines for everyone who lives in Canada, who wants a vaccine and is working with provinces, territories, First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders to make sure doses are available as soon as possible. Provinces and territories are working on detailed vaccination rollout plans for their residents. Check back on shopperdrugmart.ca/covid19 regularly for updates. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/vaccines.html?&utm_campaign=hc-sc-covidvaccine&utm_medium=sem&utm_source=ggl&utm_content=ad-text-en&utm_term=canada%20vaccine%20covid&adv=2021-0051&id_campaign=11503036027&id_source=113997067404&id_content=487727621650
  • +Who is eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine? The Government of Canada is working at all levels of government to deliver safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines to everyone who wants one. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/canadas-reponse.html#immunization
  • +Who can get a COVID-19 vaccine first? Everyone who lives in Canada who wants a vaccine will have access to a safe, effective and free COVID-19 vaccine in 2021. Vaccination has started and will be expanded to the entire population throughout 2021 as vaccine supply increases. Doses for the whole population will arrive at different times. A phased approach to vaccine delivery has begun with prioritization for high-risk people. Priority high-risk groups include residents and staff of shared living settings that provide care for seniors adults 70 years of age and older, beginning with adults 80 years of age and older, and then decreasing the age limit by 5-year increments to age 70 years as supply becomes available health care workers who have direct contact with patients, including those who work in health care settings and personal support workers adults in Indigenous communities. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/vaccines.html?&utm_campaign=hc-sc-covidvaccine&utm_medium=sem&utm_source=ggl&utm_content=ad-text-en&utm_term=canada%20vaccine%20covid&adv=2021-0051&id_campaign=11503036027&id_source=113997067404&id_content=487727621650
  • +Can the vaccine give me COVID-19? The new COVID-19 vaccine will not give you COVID-19. This vaccine is not made of the live virus that causes COVID-19, instead it is made up of messenger RNA (mRNA). The goal of this vaccine is to teach your body to recognize and fight the virus by giving the instructions (mRNA) to make a harmless protein of the virus. After the protein is made, the cell breaks down the instructions (mRNA) and gets rid of them. Your immune system then recognizes the protein since it doesn't typically belong there. This triggers your body to make antibodies, which will protect you from being infected with the real COVID-19 virus if it were to enter your body in the future.
  • +Is the vaccine safe? It was rushed and there hasn't been enough testing. Vaccine development is usually a long process and can take several years. However, the new COVID-19 vaccine was developed and approved for use in a matter of 8 months. This rapid timeline may sound alarming, but it was possible due to the large amount of funding, time and effort spent on research. New vaccines go through different stages before being approved: preclinical trials and clinical trials (phases I, II and III). Preclinical trials involve testing the vaccine in cells and in animals. During phase I of clinical trials, the vaccine is given to a small number of healthy people. In phase II, the vaccine is given to more people who fit the characteristics of the intended target population. In phase III, the vaccine is given to thousands of people (usually 1,000 to 3,000) to test for effectiveness and safety. The COVID-19 vaccine underwent the same rigorous testing as any other vaccine, but was fast-tracked by completing many stages at the same time. This means that all the usual safety checks were performed and completed simultaneously, rather than separately, saving a lot of time. The phase II/III trial of the new COVID-19 vaccine also had over 43,000 participants, which is far more than normally required.
  • +Do we need multiple vaccines from different companies? Vaccines are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Currently, the new COVID-19 vaccine cannot be given to everyone. It is only approved for use in people 16 years of age and over. It's important to have multiple vaccines available so that everyone can be safely vaccinated and protected against COVID-19. Each vaccine may have different requirements, and if you can't receive one vaccine for any reason, there's a good chance that you can get another one. As of now, there are over 200 vaccines in development around the world, with over 10 in phase III clinical trials.
  • +Does the COVID-19 vaccine work and is it safe? The efficacy and safety of the new COVID-19 vaccine was tested in a phase II/III study with over 43,000 participants. The vaccine was given in two separate doses, 21 days apart. The vaccine was found to be 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 infection beginning 1 week after the second dose. The main side effects seen were injection site pain, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain and fever. These side effects were usually mild or moderate, and went away within a few days, similar to what you might experience with other vaccines.
  • +I've already had COVID-19, do I still need to get the vaccine? After someone is infected with COVID-19 and has recovered, they may have some protection from getting COVID-19 again. However, at this time, scientists do not know how long this natural immunity lasts. Early evidence suggests natural immunity from COVID-19 may not last long, but more research is needed to better understand this. Because the health risks associated with COVID-19 infection can be severe, and the fact that re-infection with COVID-19 is possible, you may be advised to get the COVID-19 vaccine even if you've had COVID-19 before. If there is a limited supply of the vaccine, those who have already tested positive may have their COVID-19 vaccination delayed. Talk to your health care professional if you're not sure whether you need the vaccine.
  • +What is mRNA? Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a type of genetic information found in our cells. mRNA can be thought of as a set of instructions that are used by your cells to make different proteins in your body. https://www1.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/health-and-pharmacy/health/covid-19-mrna-vaccines-what-you-need-to-know/900309
  • +How do COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work? mRNA vaccines deliver the genetic instructions for the cells in our body to make viral or bacterial proteins themselves. Our immune system then responds to these proteins and builds up immunity. https://www1.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/health-and-pharmacy/health/covid-19-mrna-vaccines-what-you-need-to-know/900309
  • +Does submitting a COVID-19 Vaccine Request guarantee me a dose and an appointment? By submitting a COVID-19 Vaccine Request, you are expressing your interest in being notified when an appointment is available at the pharmacy you selected. If you are eligible, when an appointment becomes available, you will be notified to book an appointment. If you are not eligible, we will send you a notification once the provincial eligibility criteria expands to meet the information you have provided.
  • +How can I confirm the status of my COVID-19 Vaccine Request? If you are currently eligible, you will receive a notification that will say "You are eligible." You will then be notified again at a later date when an appointment becomes available, and be able to book your vaccination appointment. If you identify as not eligible, and have signed up to receive notifications on changes to eligibility criteria that match the information you've provided, you will receive a notification that says "You're signed up".
  • +I believe I am eligible, but when I complete the COVID-19 Vaccine Request, it tells me that "You are not eligible". Why? Based on the information you provided, you are not currently eligible based on the provincial eligibility criteria. If you feel you may have inputted information incorrectly, please retry the Vaccine Request.
  • +Can I select the pharmacy where I receive my vaccine? Yes. When you fill out the COVID-19 Vaccine Request, you will be matched to a participating pharmacy near you when an appointment becomes available. Alternatively, you may select your preferred location and be notified when an appointment becomes available at that location. Please note, you will only be able to select one preferred pharmacy location. If your preferred pharmacy does not receive vaccine, you will not automatically be re-assigned to a new pharmacy.
  • +Why have I not received any notifications? If you elected to receive email notifications, please check your spam email folder. If you elected to receive text notifications, we have sent the SMS message to the mobile number provided when asked for your contact information. Another potential cause is the email or phone number may have been incorrectly entered. If you have not received a notification, please resubmit a COVID-19 Vaccine Request.
  • +How long will my appointment take? The vaccine only takes a few minutes to administer, however you should expect to be at the pharmacy longer as you may need to complete administrative forms. You will also be asked to wait 15 minutes in-store to monitor for any reactions to the vaccine.
  • +Do I need to wait in-store after the vaccination? You will need to wait at the pharmacy for 15 minutes after your appointment for monitoring.

Yes, both you and the pharmacist will need to wear a mask at all times since social distancing is not possible during the vaccination.


COVID-19 Vacchine After Care Sheet AstraZeneca / COVISHIELD COVID-19 Vaccine

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